I’ll start off with saying that the state bird of Virginia is the Northern Cardinal. Here is a picture from Kickipoo Valley Preserve of a Cardinal pair.

Thomas Jefferson was president of the United States.  He was one of the framers of the US Constitution.

Here is a map of Virginia. On the right side of the state, you can see Charlottesville. That is where Monticello is located.

Next are pictures of Monticello. It is a large estate.

Monticello, taken in 2010  by, Billy Hathorn

View of Monticello with the vegetable garden  by, Billy Hathorn

Another view of the vegetable garden  by Moofpocket, user, Wikipedia Commons

The fish pond. It was stocked with fish and when needed, the fish were used for meals. By, Billy Hathorn

This is the drawing that Thomas Jefferson made for planting the flower gardens. Each area was planted with one kind of flower.

Next, are pictures of flowers that grow well in Virginia. A variety of these flowers were planted at Monticello. What is shown here may not be the exact type planted there. There are many kinds of these flowers. This is only a small sample.

Bellflower  by, Norbert Nagel, Morfelden-Waldorf, Germany

Red Geranium  by, Andrew Schmidt


Sweet William

Cardinal Flower  by, Dr. Thomas G. Barnes, US Fish and Wildlife Service